Version 3
For upgrading your current M3 software version to the latest M3v3, you would need to submit ticket so we can generate a new license file for your machine. Just simply provide us with your model and serial number for your Starrett Vision System and we will email you back with the License File (The format will look something like this xxxx-xxxx-xxxx).
Submit a ticket:
Regarding the upgrade policy for Version 3.0:
- >All units that shipped from Starrett Kinemetric from June 8, 2017 to June 7 2018 are eligible for a free upgrade to Version 3.0.
- >If you have units that fall with in the period at end-users facilities and they wish to upgrade, please provide us with the serial number, we will issue a new options file which will enable Version 3.0 to be installed.
- >The upgrade fee from Version 1.X or Version 2.X to Version 3.0 will be a flat charge $1000.00 usd List.
- >If you have customer with units shipped from Starrett Kinemetric prior to June 8, 2017 and would like to upgrade, please provide a purchase order.
- >If you have an end-user who paid to upgrade from Version 1.X to Version 2.X since January 1, 2018, we will also upgrade those units at no charge.
Minimum System Requirement:
Win 10, i7 Processor, 250 GB SSD, 8 GB RAM
For a Third-party computer, there is a policy for utilizing your PC with our software, please read:
Here are some videos of advantages for upgrading to the latest version 3!
M3 Version 3 Introduction:
V3 Advanced Edge Teach:
V3 Direct to Excel Export:
V3 Saving Custom Templates:
V3 Stats Feature:
V3 Calc Feature:
V3 Stitched Image in a Pallet Program:
V3 Part View Data Cloud:
V3 Polar Step and Repeat:
V3 Enhanced DXF Manipulation:
V3 Multi-Measure:
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