This following instructions will assist in the TouchProbe configuration.
Items Needed for Software Configuration:
TouchProbe License from Metlogix- License file is based on the Serial Number of the M3 Board. This number can be found in M3 Settings> About> Hardware.
- Metlogix License File: The License file that is purchased from Metlogix will need to be changed before placing it in the Backups folder. Eliminate the Serial number so the file reads mlxoptions.txt. Place this file in the Backups folder. This location can be found under Documents> Metlogix> Backups.
- Activating the TouchProbe option and confirm the mlxoptions.txt file is correct by opening M3 Software. (no need to home the machine) Click on M3> Settings> About> Read Settings. If the M3 software displays an error, please double check the file name. If no error occurs then the file was read correctly and installation can proceed. Click Done> Click Factory Options> Check 3D & TouchProbe> Click Done and the software will shut down.
- Open Mxcncoptions_unlocked. File can be found in C:\Program Files (x86)\M3 V2 Measuring Software. In Mxcncoptions please make sure the following values are inputted under the Touch Probe menu. The retract velocity may need to be tuned more according to a specific speed and of the machines motors. This can also be configured in the M3 Software.
- Before exiting Mxcncoption click Apply and Save to Flash.
- Remove this verbiage in the metlogix.ini file. This file is found under the Documents Folder> Metlogix> Settings. [TouchProbe]
- Machine should be ready for initial TouchProbe calibration and/or Installation.
Follow the Calibration Procedure in the M3 User Guide. Calibrating a Probe Tip pages 42 – 46.
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